Viking Magic-S
Kabuki Streamers- Professional Quality
Kabuki Streamers- Professional Quality
Kabuki Streamers by Viking Mfg. Co. The finest.
The best Throw Streamers at any price! Now improved with new satin-white paper. Longer, cleaners throws every time
Used by leading rock groups, singers and magicians; our Kabuki Throw Streamers have been used by professionals the world over. The Pointer Sisters, The Pendragons, The Majestix to name a few.
Our standard size will shoot out approx. 22 strands of weighted white streamers 20 to 25 feet! Small and compact, they can be hidden easily in the hand. Sure-grip tab (a Viking Exclusive) insures that the packet doesn't go sailing out into the audience.
Large throw contains approx. 32 strands of weighted streamers.
A great finale for any Snow Storm routine or use the streamers to produce a dove, etc.
12 throws per package.
Use any time during your routine by making a tossing motion with your hand, and 25 feet of white tissue streamers shoot out and over the heads of your audience.
Available in different sizes and color combinations. Top Quality.
Also available at a discount, prepacks of 6 and 12 units.