Viking Magic
Psycho Gravity by Tenyo
Psycho Gravity by Tenyo
A strange effect by Tenyo.
A Mysteries & Spooky Anti-Gravity Object… What is that??? It slowly moves, then stops as if it’s alive….
(Effect #1) Mental Fruit
Magician writes the name of 4 different fruits on transparent board.
While magician is turning around, the magician asks the spectator to choose one and make a small dot above the chosen fruit. Of course, the dot is covered with a black sheet, so magician cannot see which fruit has been chosen.
Set the board slightly tilted up to ramp.
A black cylinder is introduced and placed it at the top of the ramp… It starts rolling down very slowly, then stops at one of 4 fruits.
Let’s see the result --- if this mysterious black cylinder is able to find the chosen fruit…?
Yes! A black dot is found exactly at the place the black cylinder stopped.
As a sample routine, the names of fruit are used for this effect #1 but you may use anything! It's all up to you! It can be someone's names, places, colors, etc…. The Mysterious Black Cylinder will find it!!
(Effect #2) Four Aces Test
Ask the spectator to take one card from 4 Aces and memorize it. The chosen card is returned to remaining cards , then the cards are shuffled.
Now 4 Aces are placed on the table, face down (or face up.)
The transparent board is placed right above the 4 cards and tiled up to ramp. The black cylinder is placed at the top of the ramp.... In the next moment, it starts rolling down… then it stops at the chosen card!!
(NOTE) 4 Cards are NOT included. Please provide your own cards.
English instruction is now ready to download from the link and password listed on Japanese instruction sheet.