Castilian Card Sword

Castilian Card Sword

Just a quick note about our Castilian Card Sword: Our original idea was to offer this sword to Lance Burton for his show, but he retired before we could finish it and show it to him. We put the sword away for over 10 years. While going through our Viking Magic Vault we rediscovered it and decided it was time to being it back in a Limited Production of 12 swords.

The guard is cast in steel and brass, chrome plated. The extruded blade .was custom made for us by a famous golf club manufacturer. This blade will not bend and will last a lifetime. We chose a round blade for many reasons but the most important reason is that a round surface reflects images lengthwise along its surface. This hides the black elastic as it becomes part of the reflection from all around. 

We have also engineered a new tip system. This male/female tip actually nests when the card(s) is produced, preventing the clatter associated with other card swords. This also prevents the tip from landing askew which many other tips do.

We have used a combination elastic and rubber band system which propels the card(s) quickly, with less fatigue on the elastic.

All in all, we spent over 2 years developing our Card Sword and we believe it is the finest ever made. We hope you agree.

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